Another full-site re-write 2023-07-04
I re-wrote my personal site... again. This marks the 3rd static site generator I've used - starting with the Ruby-based Jekyll, through the JS/React based Gatsby and now the JS/Vue based Nuxt.
There are many blogs on the web where people post their witty insights and angry rants. This one is mine.
I re-wrote my personal site... again. This marks the 3rd static site generator I've used - starting with the Ruby-based Jekyll, through the JS/React based Gatsby and now the JS/Vue based Nuxt.
Recap of my 2021 MS City to Shore ride with Team URBN. Four of us went the distance on the century course, and I only got lost once.
For my first real Arduino project, I built a fake geiger counter for my wife as an anniversary gift out of a vintage cold war enclosure.
Map updated to include new Tri-Valley Trail
This was my first Telefest, and being on the mountain with over a hundred other skiers with "funny bindings" was a really cool experience.
I summon the nerve to play live and inflict my singing on a small group of brave onlookers. The result wasn't terrible
Skiing tele isn't hard enough, so I tried doing it backwards
It's a rare treat when me and my lovely bride get to go to a grown-up movie, so we try to make them count. This one did not disappoint
Workaround for Gatsby's broken focus management
My recount of being a rookie rider at the 2019 MS City to Shore
I publish my own list of binge-watchable TV and movies, along with my favorite short fiction podcasts
The UX challenges of going by one's middle name
Back in 2013, I'd decided to build my personal site using Middleman, which was a Ruby-based static site generator. Since then, my whole world had shifted away from Ruby and toward all things Javascript, and keeping that cranky Ruby environment running was becoming increasingly annoying.
Map updated to include pump track
Map updated to re-routes and Red Park trail colors
New content for sculptor's site
I just published a major re-write of a sculptor's website.
Map updated to include Creekside Trail
I am my own worst client. I have no idea what I want, I make radical changes to the project’s scope with careless abandon, and although I demand only the highest quality deliverables, I haven’t a dime to spend on the project